We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Rhode Islanders — Urge Your Leaders to Lead the Nation with Offshore Wind Power! (Updated 2/18)
Charting a new energy course for the United States is no small task—but a small project in the waters of a small state may be the first in the nation to demonstrate what this future can look like. America has yet to join Europe in embracing the clean, renewable energy generated by offshore wind power, and Rhode Islanders have an exciting opportunity to change that.
Upcoming Hearing for Block Island’s Offshore Wind Farm
Rhode Island’s leaders need to hear strong local support for offshore wind power—and residents have been sharing their support in person at public meetings and hearings!
The next hearing will be with Rhode Island’s Coastal Resources Management Council:
Tuesday, February 4 // 4:00 PM Corless Auditorium URI Bay Campus, South Ferry Road Narragansett, RI 02882
Email me at hewetta@nwf.org to let us know if we will see you there!
By attending the hearing, you can help the Ocean State lead the nation in rising to the challenge of climate change, by making offshore wind power part of America’s clean energy future.
Deepwater Wind’s proposed offshore wind power pilot project off the coast of Block Island will produce enough electricity to power more than 17,000 homes – with just five wind turbines. America’s Atlantic coast features some of the world’s best offshore wind resources (as sailors have been celebrating for centuries), and the technology we need to harness it is ready to go. Block Island’s wind farm could be exactly the inspiration coastal leaders need to start tapping the clean power and economic growth potential blowing off our shores.
We have an important message to deliver to decision-makers, and we need your voice to help turn up the volume on our call to action. Let your elected officials know that you are concerned about the impacts climate change will have on Rhode Island’s wildlife, coastlines, and communities.
The Message
- Offshore wind energy can and must be pursued in an environmentally responsible manner to protect marine wildlife—and the Block Island Wind Farm will do just that, thanks to years of scientific and public input through Rhode Island’s precedent-setting Ocean Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) to identify appropriate locations for wind energy development.
- Responsibly-sited offshore wind power—such as the Block Island Wind Farm—is critical for protecting future generations of Rhode Island’s people and wildlife from the dangers of climate change.
- Now is the time to move forward with clean, renewable, home-grown power for the Ocean State! Rhode Islanders are eager to benefit from cleaner air and water, less climate-disrupting pollution, significant economic development opportunities, and a diversified energy portfolio that will lead to lower and more stable electricity rates.
UPDATE 2/18:
The Rhode Island CRMC scheduled two additional hearings to collect public comments on the Block Island Wind Farm. These will likely be the final opportunities to voice your support for the project before the Council decides whether to give its approval — so we hope to see you there!
Upcoming hearing details:
Monday, February 24 // 2:00 PM Block Island School 15 High Street Block Island, RI 02807 Thursday, February 27 // 10:00 AM Coastal Institute Auditorium URI Bay Campus, South Ferry Road Narragansett, RI 02882
Email hewetta@nwf.org to let us know whether you can attend a hearing on February 24 or 27!
If you cannot attend the hearing, but would like to get involved, please email hewetta@nwf.org to learn of the many ways that you can support responsible offshore wind power development.