Keep tabs on the ever-growing list of coal train derailments with NWF’s new Coal Train Tracker Read more
Peter LaFontaine’s Archive
Two More Coal Train Wrecks — The Epidemic Continues
A slew of coal train derailments has put the industry on edge, but are they helping to cause the very problem that plagues them? Read more
Coal Train Derailments Lead to Tragedy
At least one bystander was killed during a week of havoc: Three coal train derailments in four days, with more on the way if Big Coal’s export plans go through. Read more
Loaded Coal Train Derails Near Columbia River Gorge
30 rail cars filled with coal overturned in an accident in Washington, spilling their dirty fuel — but the industry would like you to believe that everything is peachy. Read more
Divide and Conquer: Oil Polluters Ambush the US
After losing their first battle over Keystone XL, the tar sands oil industry has learned how to rig the system to its advantage. Find out more about these sneak attacks and how you can help stop them. Read more
Enbridge, Inc.: Spilling Oil All The Way To The Bank
A third major oil spill in a month has Alberta’s citizens on edge. Could these accidents be in store for New England next? Read more
Another Major Oil Spill in Alberta: Regrets, Pollution, and Big Money Collide Again
There’s a point when accidents start getting so routine that they stop being “accidents” and become something else entirely. A second major oil spill in Alberta has put communities and wildlife at risk, but the calls for dangerous tar sands pipelines remain as strong as ever. Read more
Coal Exports Through the Pacific Northwest—Get Ready for a Fight
A fight has begun over the future of the Pacific Northwest’s air, water and wildlife protections. On one side: the coal industry, which stands to make millions in profits. On the other: fish, wildlife, and communities from the Rockies to the Pacific Coast and beyond. Read more
Alberta Oil Spill: 924,000 Gallons and Rising
A major oil pipeline spill in Alberta, Canada has dealt another painful blow in the fight against reckless development. Read more
An Artist’s Take: Tar Sands and Canada’s War on Mother Nature
Tar sands development threatens iconic species like gray wolves and caribou, and puts humans in harm’s way. In her new visual essay, Canadian artist Franke James tackles a question that’s being hotly debated on both sides of the border: What are we willing to risk for the sake of oil industry profits? Read more