Jason Dinsmore

A small, red and brown furry animal walks across a snowy tree branch.

A Plan for the Great Northwoods Forest Management

The forests of Michigan have always been my playground and my classroom. My earliest memories are from a perch on the back of my mother’s bike, weaving through the sun-dappled … Read more

Video Stories from the Great Northwoods

The Great Northwoods is a treasure trove of natural beauty and ecological importance. At the Great Lakes Regional Center, we’re diving into the beauty of this region, celebrating and understanding … Read more

A moose cow and calf lay in the snow.

Protecting our Great Northwoods

Stretching across millions of acres north of the 45th parallel in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, our Great Northwoods is one of the most revered places on the continent. These ecologically-rich … Read more