Lacey McCormick

Lacey McCormick is the Communications Manager for NWF's National Water Program and the Gulf of Mexico Restoration Campaign. An Atlanta native, she has called Austin, TX home for over a decade. Find her on Twitter as @rifffleshell.

Fudging the Numbers: BP’s History of Lying about the Spill

Exactly how much oil was released into the Gulf of Mexico during the BP disaster? Billions of dollars of Clean Water Act penalties are at stake—and a large portion of … Read more

Despite BP’s Claims, Gulf Dolphins Still Struggling

BP’s chief executive Bob Dudley recently boasted in an interview, “The Gulf has bounced back really well. And I’d like to think that we played a big role.” The more … Read more

Hercules 265 Natural Gas Rig on Fire

Another Rig Fire in the Gulf, Another Wakeup Call

Updated below – 7/25/2013 Late last night, a natural gas drilling rig known as Hercules 265 exploded. The rig has now partially collapsed and is burning out of control, too … Read more

40,000-Pound Tar Mat Reminds Us the Oil Spill is Not Over

CNN is reporting that a 165-foot by 65-foot tar mat has been found in shallow water off a Louisiana barrier island beach. While the tar mat is ‘only’ 15 percent … Read more

Shortsighted Senate Water Bill Will Damage Rivers and Wildlife, Fleece Taxpayers

Today, the Senate voted 83-14 to pass the Water Resources Development Act of 2013, S.601. Larry Schweiger, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation, said in response: This shortsighted … Read more

Water Resources Development Act Expensive, Damaging

Senate set to vote on Water Resources Development Act this week Today, spokespeople representing three different backgrounds and perspectives offered up their opinions of the Water Resources Development Act (S.601), … Read more

Dolphin Deaths in the Gulf Three Years After Oil Spill

More than 650 dolphins have been found stranded in the oil spill area since the Gulf oil disaster began. This is more than four times the historical average Read more

River Otter

Speak up for River Otters in Louisiana’s Mardi Gras Pass

Last year during Mardi Gras, the Mississippi River did something perfectly ordinary and yet utterly extraordinary: it carved a small outlet in its eastern bank and found a shorter route … Read more

Deepwater Horizon: 1,000 Days Later

It has been 1,000 days since the BP-operated oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded, gushing millions of barrels of crude oil into a body of water that supports … Read more


Gulf Dolphins are Still Dying—Don’t Let BP Off Easy

Two and a half years after BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and sent more than 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf, dolphins across the northern Gulf of Mexico … Read more