We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Climate Change Already Impacting the U.S.
A study released Tuesday by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program found that nearly 60 percent of species studied have already been affected by climate change.
The Washington Post article Report Details Effects of Climate Change Across U.S. explains additional climate change impacts we are already experiencing, including an increase in forest fires and insect outbreaks in the interior West, Southwest, and Alaska; increasing stream temperatures across most of the continental United States; and declining snowpack in the West.
Climate change isn’t something in the distant future. It’s happening now.
This disturbing news makes next week’s debate and vote in the Senate on the Climate Security Act all the more important. We have an historic opportunity to protect the conservation achievements of the past century and help our country have a bright energy future.
We must not fail future generations by leaving them a world diminished from the one we know today.
Go to National Wildlife Federation’s Climate Action Center to learn what you can do.