We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
What do you want to say to President-Elect Obama?
Mr. Obama has only a few short months to prepare for inauguration and all the challenges that come with it, of which environmental problems are only one piece. In the past, he has called for emissions reductions 80% by 2050, a cap-and-trade market for carbon emissions, higher efficiency standards, investments in renewable energy, and a smarter electricity grid.
As he puts together his staff and his policies, what would you like to
see? What are your priorities for the first 100 days? The first year? A
possible second term? Do you agree with Mr. Obama when he says that this is a time for sacrifice and service? This post is an open thread for you to express your
thoughts, concerns, demands, and yes, hopes.
Here are a few links on Obama’s declared goals for our "planet in peril" for you to browse:
The Obama Energy Speech, Annotated: DotEarth
Barack Obama’s environmental platform and record: Grist
Obama Hits Hard on Efficiency Themes in Debate: Green Inc.
And some food for thought: To the Next US President, 100 Words for 100 Days