Yellowstone National Park
The Clean Water Act protects bodies of water across the country, like those in our National Parks. Yellowstone National Park photo by Flickr user Jeff Gunn.

This Thursday, we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. This landmark act has ensured, and will continue to ensure, that America’s waters are fishable, swimmable, and drinkable. Since its inception, the Clean Water Act has logged numerous successes: it has prevented pollution by providing assistance to publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities, and maintaining the integrity of wetlands.

**Help us celebrate this milestone and tell everyone how important clean water is to you!**

Facebook: This week change you profile picture to the image below and share it with your friends. Remind people that October, 18th we celebrate four decades of the Clean Water Act and the historic results this keystone legislation has achieved: healthier water to drink; cleaner streams, rivers and lakes in which to swim, fish and play; and dramatically lower rates of natural wetland loss.

Twitter: Tweet a message showing your support for clean water. Feel free to use some of the samples we have provided below or create your own.

* When tweeting be sure to use #CleanWaterAct.

Sample Tweets:

  • For 40 years the #CleanWaterAct has protected America’s waters and ensured that they are fishable, drinkable, and swimmable. Thank you!
  • 79% of Sportsmen favor restoring Clean Water Act protections #CleanWaterAct
  • For 40 years, @EPAgov has worked to restore #CleanWater and protect the #CleanWaterAct. Let’s keep it that way.
  • The Chesapeake Bay is one of the most extraordinary places in America. Let’s  protect the #CleanWaterAct
  • The #CleanWaterAct, has doubled the water safe for swimming & fishing. Let’s keep working to #ProtectCleanWater
  • 73% of Republicans favor restoring Clean Water Act protections to wetlands and waterways. #CleanWater
  • Sportsmen – regardless of political party – favor restoring Clean Water Act protections to wetlands and waterways
  • The Great Lakes are the largest system of surface freshwater on earth, they deserve adequate protection. Protect the #CleanWaterAct
  • The #CleanWaterAct is under assault from the biggest polluters around. @WhiteHouse, we’re with you to #ProtectCleanWater
  • 117 million Americans whose drinking water is at risk count on @WhiteHouse @USACE_HQ and @EPAgov  to continue to protect the #CleanWaterAct


  • Always use #CleanWaterAct in your tweets. 
  • Whenever possible make sure @MittRomney, @BarackObama or @WhiteHouse are included in your tweets.  Where appropriate use @EPAgov, @LisaPJackson, or @USACE_HQ (many local Army Corps Districts have their own Twitter handles)
  • Other hash tags to consider using, in addition to #CleanWaterAct (space permitting): #ProtectCleanWater, #DrinkingWater, #CleanWater
  • Please tweet this at least once: “For 40 years the #CleanWaterAct has protected America’s waters and ensured that they are fishable, drinkable, and swimmable. Thank you!

Links to include as needed:

*Follow us (@NWFCleanH2O) and other organizations working to protect America’s waters!*

Take ActionIf you care about clean water and would like future generations to have fishable, swimmable and drinkable waters, take action and help restore clean water today!