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Weekly News Roundup: Whitfield Bill Prioritizes Polluters Over Wildlife and More News
The Final Countdown
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline could significantly harm America’s treasured wildlife and wildlands. Join NWF in calling on President Obama and Secretary Kerry to reject Keystone XL. The decision is in their hands—this pipeline will harm wildlife and exacerbate climate change. Tell them to say no to the Keystone XL pipeline!
Need a quick refresher why Keystone is not in the national interest? Check out this infographic NWF put together.
What’s happening at National Wildlife Federation this week?
Whitfield Bill Prioritizes Polluter Profits Over Wildlife, Public Health
Larry Schweiger, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation, said today:
“As the West continues to suffer in unprecedented drought fueled by climate change, it’s outrageous that the House is putting the narrow interests of one polluting industry ahead of the welfare of America’s clean water and air, wildlife and public health.
TAKE ACTION! Speak up for polar bears by showing the EPA your support for strong limits on pollution from coal-fired powered plants.
PSEG Supports NWF Eco-Schools USA in New Jersey

March 5- New Jersey Audubon and National Wildlife Federation (NWF) are proud to announce the receipt of a $130,000 grant from the PSEG Foundation to strengthen the growing network of NWF Eco-Schools in New Jersey. NWF’s Eco-Schools USA program provides resources and support to schools working towards sustainability and helps schools improve academic performance, save money and conserve resources. The PSEG Foundation’s generous grant will help to advance the organizations’ Eco-Schools project in New Jersey.
“PSEG is proud to support the development and enhancement of educational programs that inspire students to increase their understanding and interest in environmental and sustainability subjects and careers,” said Ellen Lambert, president of the PSEG Foundation. “Companies will look to the next generation of innovators to help with issues such as climate change and energy independence and that requires people with knowledge of sustainability.”
PSEG’s partnership with NWFs Eco-Schools USA is aligned with the company’s corporate responsibility priorities which include collaborating with organizations that promote environmental stewardship and sustainability initiatives and improving learning and educational opportunities in areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Funds from the PSEG Foundation grant are being used in part to fund a New Jersey Eco-Schools USA outreach position in the state to be an “on the ground” resource for schools to advance sustainability initiatives.
LEARN MORE ABOUT ECO-SCHOOLS USA : Green your school inside and out with Eco-Schools USA curriculum!
NWF in the news:
ABC News: Sunken Great Lakes Oil Pipeline Raises Spill Fears
“It’s a huge pipeline carrying oil in one of the most ecologically beneficial and sensitive places in the world,” said Andy Buchsbaum, director of the National Wildlife Federation’s Great Lakes office. “A massive oil spill there would have dire and irreversible consequences.”
Wall Street Journal: Obama Seeks Cuts in Great Lakes Programs
“A lot of work remains to restore the Great Lakes to health,” said Todd Ambs, the coalition’s director. “Cutting funding now will only cost us more later, because projects will get harder and more expensive the longer we wait.”
Washington Post: John Podesta: The man behind President Obama’s new environmental push
New White House counselor John Podesta is playing a central role in pushing the Obama administration to adopt a more aggressive posture on environmental policies this year, including rules that would provide greater protections for public lands, support for state and local efforts to cut carbon emissions and stricter oversight of mining near pristine waterways, according to a dozen administration officials and outside allies.
Roanoke Times: Young Virginia outdoor writer winning awards, and for good reason
This past Saturday Reilly was in Charlottesville at the annual meeting of the Virginia Outdoor Writers Association. For the second year in a row he was there to accept an award in the group’s high school writing contest.
Boston.com: Mountain lion sighting reported in suburban Boston
‘‘The mountain lion that was killed on the road in Connecticut a few years back was a tagged animal that originated in South Dakota,’’ Hector Galbraith, a scientist in the federation’s northeast regional office, said in a statement. ‘‘So it’s certainly possible for a wild mountain lion to get to New England under its own steam.’’
Mother Nature Network: 19 apps that will turn you into a wilderness expert
You can also record your wildlife encounters in the app’s database and National Wildlife Federation’s Wildlife Watch program, making you not only a more informed naturalist but also a citizen scientist.
NewsMagazine Network: Back-to-nature play push gains ground
The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) has created the “Be Out There” campaign (beoutthere.org) to involve families in outdoor pursuits. To help parents “turn their inside kids out,” the campaign promotes special events and volunteer opportunities and offers resources, tips and tools.
VermontToday.com: Vt. voters support public bank, pipeline ban
The Tar Sands Free Vermont campaign — headed by 350VT.org, the Sierra Club and National Wildlife Federation — saw 13 more communities support its non-binding “Keep Vermont Tar Sands Free” resolution seeking to block the use of a 1950s pipeline to transport Canadian oil through the state.
Grist.org: That old, rusty underwater pipeline? Nothing to worry about!
The National Wildlife Federation released a video in October 2013 showing broken supports that suggest corrosion along Line 5, and is demanding that it be replaced entirely.
Queens Tribune: PS 154 Holds Green Flag Ceremony
Since its green team started in 2011, PS 154 has been dedicated to creating an environmentally-friendly facility. After successfully implementing the National Wildlife Federation’s Eco-Schools USA program, the school was rewarded with the program’s top honor, the Green Flag Award.
MPR News: Enbridge eyes third oil pipeline project through northern Minnesota
But this is more than a maintenance project because it will nearly double the amount of oil the pipeline can currently carry, said Beth Wallace with the National Wildlife Federation. “This pipeline was put in place in the 60s, so the environmental review that it went under is nowhere near as good as it is today,” Wallace said.