Jane Kirchner

Jane Kirchner has spent more than 20 years helping save open lands and advocating for the protection of wildlife habitat. She loves working on programs that connect people who care about wildlife and the environment to actions they can take to make a difference. Jane manages digital advocacy campaigns for the National Wildlife Federation and during her free time spends as much time as she can outdoors, especially in places where native trees, shrubs and plants are found. She is also a master gardener and county planning commissioner.

Repeating image of a bird. Each repeating image is a bit more faded.

QUIZ: How Much Do You Know About Grasslands and Wildlife?

Our nation’s grasslands are vital for addressing climate change, promoting sustainable agriculture, and the survival of countless wildlife. Congress can help save our rapidly disappearing prairies, savannas, glades, and sagebrush … Read more

A burgundy-brown fish can be seen with its mouth open in the water.

Ridding Waters and Wildlife Habitat of Toxic Chemicals

Waterways and the aquatic habitats of many wildlife from kingfishers to polar bears are contaminated with highly toxic “forever chemicals.” These chemicals—known as Per-and-Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, or PFAS—persist in the environment, … Read more

A large pink bird descends into water.

Which of Our Five Favorite Pink Wildlife Would Barbie Like?

Barbie is all about pink, but this color is fairly rare when it comes to wildlife. The animals that do have a pinkish hue often get it from their diet, … Read more

Western larch forest

Cool Climate Bingo

Addressing the climate crisis can feel like a monumental task with growing challenges like extreme fires and droughts, increasingly severe weather and rising sea levels. But our “cool climate bingo” … Read more


Amazing Species of the Atlantic Ocean

About 150 miles off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts is an area of little-disturbed ocean habitat that contains marine canyons deeper than the Grand Canyon and underwater mountains rising higher than … Read more

bald eagle

The Leaders We Need to Address the Wildlife Crisis and the Climate Crisis are Here

Our wildlife and lands face unprecedented challenges from the effects of climate change, toxic pollutants flowing into our air and water, energy development, mismanagement of natural resources, and worsening natural … Read more

hummingbird eating mosquitoes

Meet the Squad of Mosquito-Eating Species

Mosquitoes are unwanted visitors to our backyards, but nature can offer solutions that don’t involve chemicals or bug sprays. Often overlooked and under-appreciated, the following wildlife species are especially helpful … Read more

6 Actions to Combat Climate Change and Help Wildlife in Your Garden

We all care about the plant and animal communities in our gardens and landscapes. What you may not know is there are simple yet consequential things you can do in … Read more

Old-growth Douglas fir in Oregon.

A Crucial Law Protects Our Most Wild Old-Growth Forest

Oregon’s Coast Range is home to what many consider the single most remote wilderness in the entire state. Located about eight miles within the dense old-growth forest which runs south … Read more


Are these elk, moose or caribou?

Elk, moose and caribou make for great winter wildlife watching, but it’s tricky to know which is which. Here are six ways to tell the difference between these three species: … Read more