carbon capture

Wide view of a lush, green forest.

Why is Carbon Management Relevant to Louisiana?

Carbon management, an umbrella term that refers to a suite of technologies and practices, is the process of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions before they enter the atmosphere or removing … Read more

A yellow apparatus floats in the water. It is labeled, "Environmental Monitoring Module".

The Importance of Environmental Monitoring

On a sunny February afternoon, NWF’s senior industrial policy specialist, Dr. Simone H. Stewart, and I drove down a winding Louisiana road that led to a boathouse on Pass Manchac, … Read more

6 Claves Sobre la Eliminación de Dióxido de Carbono de la Atmósfera

El Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático de las Naciones Unidas, (IPCC), reitera en su Sexto Informe de Evaluación de marzo de 2023, que será necesario reducir las … Read more

Piping Plover

Congress’s Major Achievement for Climate and Wildlife

After decades of trying, and weeks and months of squabbling and setbacks, Congress is poised to pass the largest effort ever to reduce climate-polluting emissions, reduce carbon dioxide in the … Read more

Carbon capture facility

Infrastructure is Key: What’s Needed for CCUS Deployment

The latest report from the International Panel on Climate Change found that climate impacts are now widespread and severe in every part of the world. Combined with the use of … Read more

National Carbon Capture Center machinery

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage is an Important Climate Solution

As the U.S. moves towards a neutral, or even negative, climate emissions economy, new technologies will become available to help achieve that goal. President Biden has certainly aimed high when … Read more