Avid Sportsman Bob Garner explains that we “can’t fillet our way out” of the mercury problem. Listen as he talks about the impacts of mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants … Read more
Guest Post by Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI): Why the Healthy Kids Outdoors Act is Important
Congressman Ron Kind grew up in La Crosse, WI, and is honored to represent the people of his home district to this day. He is a longtime advocate of conserving … Read more
Tired of Arguing With Climate Change Skeptics? Describe the Company You Keep!
If you have ever become exhausted trying to convince a self-professed climate change “skeptic” that global warming is real, then you know how little the true science seems to matter … Read more
President Obama Points Out The Role of Hunters and Anglers in America’s Conservation History
To acknowledge National Hunting and Fishing Day this weekend, President Obama has released a special White House proclamation that reflects the many decades that hunters and anglers in the U.S. … Read more
A Gwich’in Perspective
A guest blog posted by Matthew Gilbert, Arctic Village, Alaska Why are the Gwich’in people raising such a fury over their land and animals? When the Alaska Native Land Claims … Read more