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Midwestern Governors Support Greenhouse Emissions Accord
An advisory group appointed by Midwestern governors released its recommendations Monday on a policy to limit greenhouse gas emissions in the region.
The group—comprised of Midwestern utilities, oil companies, manufacturers, environmental and conservation groups and state government—proposed emission cuts from all major greenhouse gas sources by 20 percent below 2005 levels by the year 2020, and 80 percent below 2005 levels by 2050.
“These recommendations demonstrate that the Midwest shares Congress’ desire to take serious action on climate and economic recovery and should help inform the national debate over clean energy and climate policy,” said Zoe Lipman, National Wildlife Federation’s regional senior manager for global warming.
“Job creation and the associated economic benefits of transitioning to new energy and transportation technologies is an urgent matter for the region—as is protecting the Great Lakes and the region from the impacts of climate change,” Lipman added.
The Midwestern Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord process parallels similar processes in the West and Northeast states – the Western Climate Initiative, and RGGI.