climate change

Wildlife Could Be The New ‘Homeless, Tempest-Tossed’ As Climate Change Shifts Habitats

According to an article in the online edition of last week’s Science News, climate-change-induced species disruption and environmental displacement is causing major headaches for officials who monitor the movements of non-native invasive wildlife. That in addition to the headaches facing the species themselves. Read more

As Emissions Rise, Weeds (And Allergies) Could Follow Suit

The current issue of Natural History magazine features a fine story by Peter Del Tredici on the role of weeds in the modern city. The broad discussion, about the relevance of the idea of an ‘invasive’ plant in an environment where very little truly native vegetation remains, is worth your time…One of the subjects that most interests Del Tredici is the weed’s place in a world whose climate we are rapidly changing Read more

Blind Elephants

Republicans Can Lead On Climate…If They Open Their Eyes

When politicians take pains to miss the point, are they really being leaders? The parable of the blind men and the elephant is near and dear to many a cartoonist’s … Read more

Will Global Warming Doom the Pacific Walrus?

I was a little boy when I checked a book called The Son of the Walrus King out of the local public library and fell so in love with its … Read more

Power Grab

Cheap Shot: Polluters Cry ‘Power Grab,’ Attack Crucial U.S. Conservation Rules

The EPA is moving to regulate the carbon pollution that drives global warming. It’s about time, right? Read more

Win-win Action on Vehicles under the Clean Air Act

Last Friday, EPA and NHTSA released a framework to improve fuel economy and cut global warming pollution from cars and light trucks through 2025. The public has a first opportunity … Read more

CoolClimate Announces Winners for Climate Change Art Competition

Drawing has never been my forte (unless sketching up stick figures counts) but more than 1,000 artists worldwide, who do know how to “paint” a picture, submitted their work through … Read more

Big Oil’s Bond: Senator’s Sneak Attack on Clean Air Act

Missouri is a leader in clean energy, so why would Sen. Kit Bond lead a late night attack on the Clean Air Act? One look at his last re-election campaign in 2004 makes clear where his allegiances lie. Read more

An ecosystems-oriented approach to reducing climate change risk

New report on adaptation to climate change gives inadequate attention to ecosystems. Read more

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Unveils Strategic Plan to Respond to Global Warming

This just in: the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released its strategic plan to respond to global warming. “This defining challenge for the conservation community requires the U.S. Fish … Read more