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Relieve Your Cabin Fever
Spring and summer are my favorite seasons. I love the smells and warm weather they bring. And although winter is not cold and dreary all over the country (some people enjoy warm weather year round!), the coming of spring still brings a renewed sense of excitement for most people — including me.
The first thing I do when it gets nice is head outside to relieve my cabin fever. No time like the present, especially during National Wildlife Week (March 16-20, 2009).
You may be wondering how you can dedicate an entire week to celebrate. Here are some ideas:
Three easy ways to celebrate National Wildlife Week:
- Watch for wildlife — Get lists of plants and animals near you
- Get active — See service project ideas for teens and adults
- Pass it on — Get the kids in your life and community outside with free activities
Catch tips about how to watch for wildlife (see the video) before heading out on your adventure.
And remember, your participation in National Wildlife Week is no small contribution. You’re helping to raise awareness about nature, wildlife, playing outdoors, and more!