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What’s Happening at the Green Ball: Navigating Your Way around the Newseum
Guest post by Shelley Cohen
Are you one of the lucky 2013 Green Inaugural Ball ticket holders? Here is an insider’s guide to some of the eclectic, quirky and truly imaginative things going on at the Green Ball:
Green Wish
Feeling environmentally inspired at the Green Ball? Tweet your eco wishes for president Obama using the #GreenWish hashtag. Wishes will be shared during the ball on the Newseums news ticker, visible throughout the the building. On the VIP floor, you can step into the interactive newsroom and make your TV news message for the President. Either way, this is a great way to share your passion for the environment and unite with your eco-minded peers about what sustainable solutions we want to see in the future.
Green Carpet Experience
Feeling like an eco-star? Then walk one of the three green carpets at the event. The green carpet, supplied by the InterfaceFLOR’s Washington, D.C. store, is actually made up of carpet tiles. The green carpet is made of 100% recycled materials and will be recycled into new flooring after the event. The step and repeat, which is the background for the photo and bears the 2013 Green Ball Logo, is made of Bioflex, an eco-friendly and recyclable material. There will be one green carpet at the VIP entrance, one in the VIP lounge on the 7th floor, and one on the concourse level in front of the Conus media truck. Additionally, the lanyards for the credentials are 100% recyclable, and all of the branding in the Newseum on the stairway and 2nd floor are made from recyclable material.
Green Elevators
What is the green glow coming from the Newseum’s three glass elevators? Step on for a ride and you will find yourself in the company of a green, glowing bar. The bars in these three elevators will be serving the event’s exclusive signature cocktail, the OM-bama, created by expert mixologist, Natalie Bovis (aka the Liquid Muse), author of Edible Cocktails: Garden to Glass, and featuring organic ingredients and a splash of OM (Organic Mixology) Cocktail. Love the drink, take home a recipe card and make it for your next green inspired event.
Environmental Film Clips
Need a break from the dancing, drinking and delectable edibles? Head on down to the documentary film theater on the concourse level and feast your eyes on clips from the latest eco-minded films, including those by award winning producers Davis Guggenheim and Jamie Redford. The D.C. Environmental Film Festival has also put together a special reel for Green Ball attendees. So take a break, kick up your heels, and enjoy the film clips created especially for your viewing pleasure. Want to see more after the Ball, check out the Environmental Film Festival in the Nation’s Capital, March 2013.
Exhibits and Views
Décor with an Eco-Friendly, Urban Vibe
In keeping with the broad environmental, conservatory, and eco‐friendly nature of the Green Ball, the Newseum was decorated using materials such as retrieved wood, reclaimed metals, and potted green‐friendly plants in order to create an upscale, urban feel. Lucite used to create the bars can be reused and recycled, add a bit of drama to the event. For example, the three sided bar in the VIP lounge on the 7th floor will be constructed of a combination of corrugated, galvanized metal and reclaimed wood and the bar top will be designed from recycled brown paper bags. On the third floor check out the two tapas stations designed from white‐washed reclaimed wood that sit upon coordinating antiqued chunky wooden legs. Finally, on the 6th floor, the bar will be made from glossy old newsprint and lighted from within — a stunning tie‐in of the gallery and the Green Ball’s purpose.
Still a Few Tickets Available for the Green Ball
We still have a few tickets available. Come join the celebration!
Purchase tickets to the Green Inaugural Ball >>
Heading to the ball? Tweet using the #GreenBall2013 hashtag, and don’t forget to include your #GreenWish.
Shelley Cohen is Chair of the Greening Committee for the 2013 Green Inaugural Ball. Ms. Cohen is an urban eco-mom with eighteen years of experience in environment and energy-related fields. She currently serves as a Senior Project Developer for Ameresco where she specializes in developing renewable energy and energy conservation projects, and is responsible for developing over 15MWs of renewable energy. Prior employment included jobs with EPA, the White House, and the office of Senator Joseph Lieberman (CT). Ms. Cohen’s green home includes eco-friendly materials, 12kw of solar PV, a cool roof, rain barrel, organic garden, and has been featured in local and national media. Ms. Cohen serves on the board of the National Wildlife Federation, and in 2012 was trained as a Climate Leader through the Climate Reality Project.