We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Calling on Rhode Island to Take the Lead on Offshore Wind
Speak Up in Person for Rhode Island Offshore Wind
Rhode Island’s leaders need to hear support for offshore wind energy! If you agree that the Ocean State must rise to the challenge of climate change that threatens our wildlife, coastlines, and communities, please speak up and support this national precedent-setting opportunity to advance a critical new clean energy source for America at one of the following hearings:
Monday, May 6th // 7:30 PM
Narragansett Town Council Meeting
Narragansett Town Hall, 25 Fifth Avenue, Narragansett, RI 02882
Wednesday, May 8th // 5:00-8:00 PM
RI Department of Environmental Management Hearing
New Shoreham Town Hall, 16 Old Town Road, Block Island, RI
The Block Island Proposal:
Deepwater Wind of Providence, Rhode Island sees great potential for a wind farm off of Block Island that will generate 30 MW of clean electricity, and will connect the island to the mainland grid for the first time. The project will be located in an area already identified by Rhode Island’s Ocean Special Area Management Plan as an appropriate site for wind energy development.
The National Wildlife Federation pays especially close attention to ensuring that offshore wind development is pursued in a manner that protects our coastal resources and our marine wildlife. After careful consideration, NWF and our local affiliate, Environment Council of Rhode Island, have both voiced our support for Deepwater Wind’s permit application currently under consideration by both state and federal permitting agencies.
“Rhode Islanders should be proud of the strong, enduring commitment by its state leaders and federal Congressional delegation to advance solutions to climate change. The Ocean State is not only uniquely vulnerable to climate impacts, it is also uniquely positioned to lead the nation in ushering in a critical new clean energy source for America. Now more than ever, America must get serious about advancing clean energy if we are to protect our communities and wildlife from the dangers of climate change.”
– Catherine Bowes, NWF Senior Manager for Climate & Energy
Email us at info@nwa.org to let us know you will attend, and we will talk you through how to speak up for offshore wind in Rhode Island.
If you would like to support offshore wind energy in Rhode Island but cannot attend the hearings, please email us for additional opportunities to make your voice heard.