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Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference
It’s been a busy few days here at Campus Ecology, between gearing up for our rapidly approaching Chill Out broadcast and our attendance at the Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference yesterday and today. Yours truly was there, live-blogging on SCUP’s excellent Campus Planning Network (think Facebook, but with warmer colors and a campus sustainability focus).
I suggest you check it out to see what I learned. And, since I lack the ability to be in more than one place at once, you can also look at AASHE’s live-blog, which covers some of the sessions I didn’t make it to. If you were there, we (and AASHE, who has a similar conference planned for the fall) would love to hear what you think.
Overall, it was an exhausting and inspiring two days. We heard about some great things happening at different campuses (Ithaca, Yale, Ohio, LACCD, and UMD are just a few), and talked to people on the cutting-edge of clean technologies and sustainability planning. Please do look over our live-blogs, and send us your questions and suggestions.