Regular readers of my blog know frogs rank as one of my favorite animals (right above pika and wolves, although all animals are really my favorite). Frogs have fascinated me for my entire life–as a young girl, I built special frog habitat in my backyard, and as an adult I serve as an advisory council member for the nonprofit, Save the Frogs, which holds an annual Save the Frogs Day each year. The National Wildlife Federation works regularly with Save the Frogs, and cosponsored an event in Yosemite National Park last year and several events across the country in 2013 such as a 5K run in Seattle.
To celebrate this special frog holiday, I thought I would share my top ten frog photos from my encounters with these remarkable creatures. To learn more about how you can help frogs, read Frogs Need Our Help, So Hop to It! by NWF’s Anne Bolen.
In my backyard frog pond, I enjoy watching all the new tadpoles transform into frogs each year. I love this photo as it shows a tadpole gazing at his big brother and probably thinking, hey, when do I get to do that? (Photo by Beth Pratt)Pacific chorus frog froglets emerging from my pond. Build a small pond in your backyard–becoming a frog mom each year to hundreds of frogs is wonderful! (Photo by Beth Pratt)Frog vs. mantid on my porch window ledge. The battle ended in a draw. (Photo by Beth Pratt)I just named Gaylor Lakes in Yosemite one of the top 7 stunning places to see wildlife for CNN. Why? Aside from the scenery, the annual mating love song of the Yosemite toad fills the alpine basin surrounded by granite peaks with beautiful music. (Photo by Beth Pratt).Forget the bison and elk ruts in Yellowstone. The annual frog rut is amazing (and deafening). Boreal chorus frogs almost double their body size when they sing. The ponds near Canyon Village provide some good viewing. (Photo by Beth Pratt)This curious Pacific chorus frog in a pond near Tioga Pass made no move to dart away–he kept swimming toward me as I snapped photos. (Photo by Beth Pratt)Frogs will sometimes mistake floating vegetation for another frog during the mating season, like this Pacific chorus frog in Yosemite. (Photo by Beth Pratt)The Columbia spotted frog is one of two frog species in Yellowstone. They hang out near stream banks and I would always observe them on the Old Gardiner Road during my walks. (Photo by Beth Pratt)Western toads also frequent my backyard and they make their homes in the same place year after year. This animal lives in my well house. (Photo by Beth Pratt)Pacific chorus frogs are always a delight to discover in the garden. (Photo by Beth Pratt)