We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Artemis Sportswomen’s Coalition Launching Soon

The National Wildlife Federation and the Rocky Mountain Regional Center are proud to announce that we are launching Artemis, a sportswomen’s coalition, to bring a powerful and underrepresented voice to the forefront of our conservation efforts.
Despite being a quarter of all anglers, more than 20% of all hunters, the fastest growing segment in the sporting community, and some of the brightest minds in the conservation community, women are rarely seen as the figureheads of sporting conservation efforts.
Artemis will change that. We have embarked on a bold and ambitious effort to build a sportswomen’s movement that will change the face of conservation and create a unique and powerful voice in the conservation community.
Artemis believes wholeheartedly that as hunters and anglers we have an obligation to give back and protect the resources we shape our lives around. We see it as our duty to understand the full spectrum of wildlife conservation. To us this means not only being skilled in the field but also in hearing rooms, Congressional offices, classrooms and public arenas. The wildlife and wild places we rely on require our daily presence and participation. Artemis stands ready to answer the call.
Our mission: Women protecting sporting traditions, supporting women as leaders in the conservation movement, and fostering the next generations of conservationists to ensure the vitality of our outdoor heritage.

We have started in the West with a core group of ten dedicated sportswomen from several states. Our focus areas are public lands, iconic species (particularly mule deer and cutthroat trout), and recruiting and developing women’s leadership in wildlife positions.
We have a hired a sportswomen’s coordinator, Jessi Johnson, to help lead our efforts. Jessi is a passionate bow hunter, angler, outdoor enthusiast, and an amazing conservation advocate in her home state of Wyoming. Jessi is excited to expand her reach and harness the power of our vast sportswomen’s network to address the greatest natural resources challenges of our day.
The first official action of Artemis will be meeting with Congressional offices as part of NWF’s public lands fly in. The fly in is in early April. Artemis will be sending five representatives.
Keep an eye out for the official unveiling of this campaign in early May.
For more information email Aaron Kindle or Jessi Johnson. You can also keep up with the program by checking out the website and by liking Artemis on Facebook.