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Alaskan Teens Shedding Light on Global Warming Solutions
Teenagers with the National Wildlife Federation’s Alaska Youth for Environmental Action (AYEA) recently started a great campaign to get Alaska residents to reduce their global warming pollution with the 3-2-1 Pledge, where signers commit to:
3) Change three incandescent lights to compact fluorescent ones (saves about 300 lbs. of CO2 per year).
2) Turn thermostats down two degrees lower in winter and two degrees warmer than usual in summer (saves about 2,000 lbs. of CO2 per year).
1) unplug one appliance when it is not being used (saves about 1,000 lbs. of CO2 per year).
AYEA has already collected 2,000 pledges from Alaska residents, with hopes to reach 5,000 by the end of April. The teens even talked a few distributors and electric utility companies to donate enough compact fluorescent light bulbs so that each Alaska resident who takes the pledge gets a bulb to get started.
EVERYONE ELSE: Pledge to us here that you will take these steps by leaving a comment.