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White House hosts first ever community college summit
Scheduled for October 5, 2010, the White House will host the first ever summit on community colleges, addressing their critical role as part of America’s economic vision for the future – developing the workforce and reaching the country’s educational goals.
The summit will bring together community college leaders, professionals from the business and philanthropy communities, as we all as federal and state policy leaders, and probably the most important participants – students.
The 1,200 community colleges in the U.S. are the largest and fastest growing segment of country’s higher education system enrolling more than eight million students each year (Dept of Education press release 9.15.10).
Summit attendees aren’t the only ones that can contribute to this discussion though; the public can share their thoughts, questions and challenges online at: WhiteHouse.gov/Community College. This is a great opportunity for students; community college students are encouraged to submit their stories about how their educational experiences have changed their lives.
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