Calling for a SmarterSafer National Flood Insurance Program

As we begin to assess the damage from some of the most severe flooding since 1927, it is critical that Congress not miss this opportunity to substantially reform the NFIP [National Flood Insurance Program ]to better protect people, property and the environment. –prepared testimony of Adam Kolton, executive director of the National Wildlife’s Federation’s National Advocacy Center.


Representing Smarter , the National Wildlife Federation’s Adam Kolton is testifying before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs about the need to reform the National Flood Insurance Program. The NFIP  is a federal program that is $17 billion in debt and encourages construction in environmentally sensitive areas. is a coalition of national conservation organizations, insurance and reinsurance companies and associations, housing advocacy groups, taxpayer and free market think tanks and other groups that want safe, fiscally sound and environmentally responsible approaches to natural catastrophe policy.

In the video, Kolton outlines the connection between wildlife, the environment and the National Flood Insurance Program, as well as the need for comprehensive reform.