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Weekly News Roundup – February 15, 2013
Want to know what National Wildlife Federation was up to this week? Here is a recap of the week’s NWF news:
NWF hails reintroduction of legislation conserving Colorado’s San Juan Mountains
February 15-Colorado Sen. Mark Udall’s reintroduction of a bill that would conserve about 61,000 acres in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado is welcome news to hunters and anglers, said John Gale of the National Wildlife Federation.
The San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act, reintroduced Thursday, would protect important fish and wildlife habitat, watersheds and hunting, fishing and recreation areas in San Miguel, Ouray and San Juan counties.
“Sportsmen have been strong supporters of this legislation from the start. The bill has wide, grassroots support and was developed from the ground up,’’ said Gale, NWF’s regional representative. “The National Wildlife Federation applauds Sen. Udall for his foresight in protecting one of the region’s most iconic places to hunt and fish.”
House “Sodsaver” Measure Would Protect Native Prairie Habitat
February 14-Representatives Noem (R-SD) and Walz (D-MN) today introduced legislation to save America’s grasslands through a national sodsaver provision. The Protect Our Prairies Act, which has the support of eight bipartisan co-sponsors, is common-sense legislation that would reduce taxpayer-funded incentives to destroy vital grassland resources.
Aviva Glaser, Legislative Representative for Agriculture Policy at National Wildlife Federation, said today:
“America is at risk of losing one our most iconic ecosystems. Native prairies, along with the wildlife that are dependent upon them, are disappearing at an alarming rate.”
To learn more about Sodsaver, read our Sodsaver Factsheet (pdf).
Obama Outlines Bipartisan Path to Climate Action
February 12-President Barack Obama delivered his State of the Union address tonight, issuing a strong call to action on climate change. “For the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change,” said President Obama. “The good news is, we can make meaningful progress on this issue while driving strong economic growth.”
Larry Schweiger, president and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation, said today:
“President Obama made it clear tonight that we need to confront the climate crisis – but that he hasn’t given up on reaching across party lines to forge a bipartisan solution. The climate-fueled extreme weather that’s battered America from Cape May to Waldo Canyon has destroyed Democratic and Republican homes and businesses with equal malice.
For more on the Climate Crisis, check out the report: Wildlife in a Warming World
Porpoises Make Amazing Return to the San Francisco Bay, Need Help from Citizen Scientists
February 12-After a sixty-five year absence, porpoises have made an amazing return to the San Francisco Bay. To celebrate this success and to ensure the marine mammal’s continued residence in the Bay, National Wildlife Federation and Golden Gate Cetacean Research have partnered on a “Return of the Porpoise to San Francisco Bay” campaign.
Sightings of harbor porpoises have recently delighted visitors to and residents of San Francisco, yet most do not realize the significance of seeing this animal in the Bay.
“The return of porpoises to the San Francisco Bay tells us that the ecosystem is healthier than it has been in a long time,” said Beth Pratt, California Director for the National Wildlife Federation.
To learn more about the campaign, visit www.sfbayporpoises.org.
Tester Bill “A Win-Win” for Clean Energy, Public Lands
February 11-Conservation and clean energy leaders today welcomed the reintroduction of the Public Lands and Renewable Energy Development Act of 2013, championed by Montana Senator Jon Tester, Nevada Senator Dean Heller, Idaho Senator Jim Risch and bipartisan champions in the U.S. House of Representatives. The legislation would create the framework for more efficient, responsible renewable energy development on public lands and would strategically direct the revenue from development to pay back local communities, fish and wildlife resources, and hunting and angling access potentially impacted by this clean energy development.
“This is a win-win strategy to facilitate needed renewable energy development on suitable public lands,” said Tom France, Senior Director of Western Wildlife Conservation of the National Wildlife Federation’s Rocky Mountains and Prairies Regional Center. “This bill works because it balances the need to expand our renewable energy base and still protect key fish and wildlife habitats.”
Learn more about National Wildlife Federation’s work to promote safe development of renewable energy on public lands.
And now here are highlights from NWF in the news:
- The Washington Post: Farmers, environmentalists await seventh analysis of 60-year-old Mississippi levee plan
- The Washington Post: Climate change could burn a hole in the government’s finances, GAO says
- Reuters: Pressure builds for Keystone decision after Obama speech
- The Voice: Columbus Township property certified as Wildlife Habitat
- Great Falls Tribune: Beetle Outbreak worst ever, professor says
- North Andover Citizen: North Andover Wildlife Team forms
- sctimes.com: Groups Rally behind benefits of recess
- YNN: App Wrap: “Ranger Rick’s Treehouse,” “GeoDash”
- The Times and Democrat: Making the most of the wind
- dallasnews.com: Water experts weigh in on financing, project priority
- The Philadelphia Inquirer: Obama must act on climate change
- The Mercury: Global warming effects on the planet
For more visit www.nwf.org/news