Gore: A Tireless Voice From the Wilderness For the Wilderness

NWF   |   October 12, 2007

Today the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to address global warming. The National Wildlife Federation asked its staff for reaction to this news. Some of their statements follow:

"Al Gore has been a tireless and courageous voice from the wilderness for the wilderness."

– Larry Schweiger, President and CEO

"Truth prevails."

– Dulce Zormelo, Chief Financial Officer

"This is a great day for all those seeking to raise awareness about this climate crisis. But it’s just one step toward the biggest prize – real action to confront global warming."

– Adam Kolton, Director, Congressional Affairs

"More than any other individual, Al Gore worked tirelessly and with fierce determination to make America and the world more prepared to address global warming."

– Kevin Coyle, Vice President, Education

"We have much work to do, and no time to spare."

– Carolyn Itoh, Director, Constituent Services

"Al Gore’s dogged persistence and unapologetic focus on the urgent need for action may end up saving the planet for this and future generations."

– F.G. Courtney, Director, Southeast Natural Resource Center

"This sets the world stage for America to lead us in solving the crisis of our generation."

– Michelle Payne, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations

"Al Gore has shown the world that we can and must confront global warming if we hope to leave a safe and healthy planet to our children."

– Becky Lentz, Deputy Director, Great Lakes Natural Resource Center

"Al Gore has inspired millions of people to help heal our wounded planet."

– Jeremy Symons, Executive Director, Global Warming Program

"Because of Al Gore’s work, we are further along the path to protecting those – wildlife – who are unable to speak for themselves."

– Karen Kress, Vice President, Development

"Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize represents a global embrace of the notion of a healthy future for our world and for all its inhabitants."

– Matt Schuttloffel, Director, Internet Services

"Al Gore’s recognition signals hope for changing the forecast for our planet."

– Julian Keniry, Director, Campus Ecology

"The world recognizes the gravity of global warming and the importance of Al Gore’s work to inspire change in order to confront it. It’s time for Congress and the president to do the same."

– Andy Buchsbaum, Director, Great Lakes Natural Resource Center

In 2007, National Wildlife Federation staff served as faculty for the Climate Project, an effort by Al Gore to train more than a thousand volunteers to inspire the nation to confront global warming.

Published: October 12, 2007