We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
We’re Getting There!
This evening’s vote marks a new era in Congress and a new approach to global warming. After years of empty promises in Congress, this evening’s victory is a triumph of leadership and political will.
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, led by Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Cali., voted 11-8 to send to the full Senate meaningful global warming legislation that would quickly put the nation on the right path to reducing the pollution causing global warming.
Today is a turning point on action to confront global warming and reduce our dependency on fossil fuels.
Together with tomorrow’s expected passage in the House of a bill to update fuel economy standards and set a national renewable energy standard, Congress is showing the rest of the world we will be leaders, not laggards, in crafting solutions to global warming.
Mainstream America is rising up to be heard on the urgent need to confront global warming, calling on political leaders to find a new approach that works for our economy and our environment. The Climate Security Act does both.
The momentum for action is building in Congress, but sadly, not in the White House. The Bush administration once again has shown up empty handed as world leaders gather this week in Bali, Indonesia to grapple with this global emergency. And the president has issued a veto threat on the newly passed House energy plan.
I urge members of Congress to listen to the voices of millions of Americans who want real progress to fight global warming, and not to the voices of a few who urge further delay and procrastination.