We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Will You Be…My Good Neighbor?
Animals are some of the most amazing neighbors. They make borrowing a cup of sugar look lame. When I think about all that they contribute to their communities, it inspires me to pitch in and do my part.
That’s why I’ve decided to start my own “Good Neighborhood,” based on the National Wildlife Federation’s Good Neighbor program. I’m hoping it will be a positive reminder for me and the people I recruit that our simple actions can directly impact our neighbors.
That being said, I’m hoping to elicit the help of my dear friends from all over the Web to help me begin this good (though I think it’s GREAT) neighborhood.
Why I’m starting a Good Neighborhood
1. It’s About Creating a Can-Do Community – Helping the environment can seem overwhelming at times when you look at the big picture. This neighborhood is all about creating a community of people taking small steps to become more energy efficient.
2. It’s a Great Green Resource – NWF hopes that this program will help inspire but also serve as a resource for questions and future tips about how to be a Good Neighbor to wildlife and others.
3. It Gives Me a Way to Thank People – I want to help promote those who are helping me promote this program. So I will be uploading a picture of you, with a link to whatever profile or site you’d
like. Please be sure to email me at brigidad@nwf.org.
How to Join my Good Neighborhood:
Visit the site at http://online.nwf.org/danielle and click the “Take the pledge” button. After you pledge what you are doing (or will do) to help wildlife and reduce your energy consumption, you’ll be asked to donate $15, which goes directly toward NWF’s work to protect wildlife and habitat. Once you’ve finished, email me at brigidad@nwf.org to let me know. Include a profile picture of yourself as well as the link to where you want your photo to go (your social network page, your organization, etc.).
Thanks so much! Any help you can give me will be appreciated.