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FWS Releases Global Warming Strategy
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) released a proposed strategy for guiding agency-wide efforts to react to global warming impacts to the nation's natural resources.
"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as one of the nation's leading stewards of America's wildlife, is taking an important step forward by committing itself to both reducing global warming pollution and safeguarding fish and wildlife from the impacts of inevitable climate change," said Larry Schweiger, President and CEO, National Wildlife Federation. "Climate change has emerged as the single greatest threat to our nation's natural heritage and the Service is well-positioned to play a leadership role in confronting this threat."
The plan, which will be open for public comment over the next two months, will help the FWS respond to effects such as changing wildlife migration patterns, changing weather patterns, and rising sea levels.
Adaptation, mitigation, and partner engagement elements form the backbone of the Climate Change Strategic Plan, which is part of a Department of the Interior strategy announced by Secretary Salazar earlier this month.
"The growing impacts from climate change on wildlife, plants, and watersheds are a call to action," said Tom Strickland, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for fish and wildlife and parks. "These impacts call for a coordinated and strategic response from the Department and its bureaus. We will help lead a national response that is grounded in sound science, an adaptive, landscape-scale conservation approach, and collaboration with partners. This is a crucial first step in that direction."