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U.S. to Promote Clean Energy in Developing Countries
Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced the launch of a new initiative to promote clean energy technologies in developing countries at the international climate summit in Copenhagen.
"No matter what pledges are made here in Copenhagen, global emissions cannot be cut without widespread deployment of clean energy technologies," said Paul W. Bledsoe, a spokesman with the National Commission on Energy Policy.
The new Renewables and Efficiency Deployment Initiative (Climate REDI) program will hasten the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in developing countries and work to reduce emissions, fight poverty, and improve public health for vulnerable populations.
The Climate REDI program includes new technology programs and funding needed to launch them under the World Bank's Strategic Climate Fund, including a plan to accelerate installation of affordable solar energy systems and a program to provide policy support and technical assistance to low-income countries developing renewable energy systems and underwrite additional capital costs.