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CA Student Clean Energy Activist Challenges Polluter to Debate
Will billionaire polluter Charles Koch put his mouth where his money is & debate a California clean energy activist?
Until recently, Charles Koch & his brother David Koch had been able to fly largely under the radar. The Koch brothers have pumped millions into climate science denial front groups and even sponsored an outrageously biased exhibit at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, all without attracting much public notice.
But that’s changed with the flood of out-of-state Koch money into the polluter-funded Proposition 23 campaign to overturn California’s climate law. The Koch brothers’ meddling has been decried by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA), scrutinized by the national media, and mocked by Dirty the Global Warming Denying Sock Puppet.
Now Cal State-Los Angeles senior Joel Francis is challenging Charles Koch to debate California’s economic future & Prop 23. Joel is part of Power Vote CA, a project of the California Student Sustainability Coalition. And if Koch won’t come to him? Joel says he’ll take his challenge to Koch Industries headquarters in Kansas: