We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Calling on President-elect Trump to Stand with Wildlife

And there is still the potential for more gains, as President Obama considers rules to protect large areas of public land in the American West and adopt an Interior Department stream protection rule.
That’s why it’s critical that we speak out together and let President-elect Trump know he needs to continue to build on this progress. Also, just as important, that we will fight any rollbacks of these protections for wildlife and their fragile habitats.
Take ActionSign our petition to President-elect Trump: Tell him to stand with wildlife!
We’re committed to an aggressive agenda for wildlife in the coming year, including:
- Dedicating funding to protect wildlife in every state from becoming endangered.
- Protecting our wild public lands, including national parks, forests and wildlife refuges, from privatization schemes and attempts to remove protections.
- Expanding clean energy and addressing climate change impacts to protect vulnerable wildlife.
- Investing in both natural and community infrastructure to ensure clean water for people and wildlife.
- Promoting agriculture and energy policies that better protect and enhance native prairies, wetlands, and forests.
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Tell @realDonaldTrump: Stand with #wildlife, act on a strong #conservation agenda! https://t.co/Kqox2KXSt1 pic.twitter.com/HWmvjqBvPJ
— National Wildlife Federation Action Fund (@wildlifeaction) December 1, 2016
The president-elect made statements during his campaign that indicated he supports expanding outdoor recreation opportunities, investment in clean water infrastructure, and protecting public lands.
As President-elect Trump told Outdoor Life in January when asked about the potential of the federal government transferring public lands to states: “I don’t like the idea because I want to keep the lands great, and you don’t know what the state is going to do. I mean, are they going to sell if they get into a little bit of trouble? And I don’t think it’s something that should be sold.”
Public lands support a $646 billion economy, improve air and water quality, and are home to much of our nation’s wildlife. These lands must remain in public hands, and we take the President-elect’s statements seriously that he will oppose any sales or transfers of ownership or management.
We also will be working with the new Congress and Administration to pass the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act introduced this year. This legislation would dedicate funding from existing oil and gas royalties from public lands for state-led efforts to recover wildlife population and restore their habitats.
Additionally, we will continue to push for expanding clean energy and efforts to address climate change that impacts vulnerable wildlife. We urge the President-elect to build on the progress made toward a 21st century clean energy economy, and not rollback climate advances made in recent years. It’s important we work as a nation toward long-term, market-based solutions that transition our nation to cleaner, safer energy that protects wildlife and people from pollution from power plants, tailpipes, and other dirty sources of energy.
Join us as we ask President-elect Trump to stand with wildlife during his Administration. Add your name to our petition, and we will deliver it as he takes office so he knows that you support a strong wildlife agenda.