NCSE Climate Neutral Campus Session Generates National Recommendations

NWF   |   February 1, 2006

The half-day session on climate neutral campuses hosted by the National Council on Science and Environment (NCSE) at its 6th annual conference entitled, "Energy for a Sustainable and Secure Future" and chaired by the National Wildlife Federation’s Campus Ecology Program generated more than 100 recommendations for advancing climate stewardship on campuses. These included the following:

*Basic environmental science education should be required for all students on campuses.
*Campuses should conduct environmental audits, sharing information with the community.
*Campuses should incorporate renewable energy, conservation and efficiency into longer term strategic planning.
*Faculty should work to increase ecological awareness among student, faculty, and staff.
*Faculty should establish campus sustainability advisory groups that include faculty, staff, students, alumni, and members of the community.
*Universities should promote student advocacy and critical thinking.
*Universities should create staff positions with flexibility and resources to serve as liaisons beyond their departments.
*Universities should create green guides to campuses.
*Universities should provide resources and incentives for faculty development, including release time.
*Campuses should hire sustainability coordinators with strong science backgrounds.
*Campuses should address environmental justice, serving the needs of minority and under-privileged communities.

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Published: February 1, 2006