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NH's Senators Need to Step Up!
From my perspective out here in the field, there is a huge disconnect between what the people of New Hampshire expect from their elected leaders and what Senators Gregg and Sununu are (or aren’t) doing down in DC.
Now more than ever, like all Senators across the country, Senators Gregg and Sununu need to hear from their constituents – loud and clear! – that they must step up and become part of the solution to global warming. New Hampshire has far too much to lose with global warming, and lots to gain economically through the development of green energy solutions. So far neither Senator Gregg nor Sununu has indicated they will support the Leiberman-Warner Climate Security Act, despite a groundswell of public demand for action on global warming back home in New Hampshire.
A few examples: over 170 NH towns passed a town meeting resolution calling on the federal government to address global warming; over 100 towns have formed volunteer energy committees to deal with their municipal carbon footprints; the state legislature has passed legislation to require more renewable energy use in New Hampshire and is currently working on a bill to cut carbon emissions from power plants; and Governor Lynch has created a Climate Change Policy Task Force to set global warming pollution goals and policy recommendations to achieve them.
Granite Staters expect their elected officials to do what’s necessary to confront global warming head on, with a level of determination and innovation that matches the scale of the challenge. Senators Gregg and Sununu should recognize this and get on board with the Climate Security Act. If you are from NH, give them a call!!
– Catherine Bowes, Northeast Global Warming Program Manager