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Presidential Candidates Step Up
All three Presidential candidates have now officially lined up in favor of the Climate Security Act. In order to solve global warming we must, as a country, cut our global warming pollution by 2% each year, and the Climate Security Act puts us on a pathway to do just that.
On Friday Senator John McCain announced that he will support the Climate Security Act, and he added, that “I hope that the entire Congress will join in supporting it and the president of the United States would sign it.” McCain followed the announcement that he will support the Climate Security Act with a detailed policy speech today laying out his goals for climate change legislation.
Senator Obama issued a statement saying, “he believes the Lieberman-Warner bill is an important first step and looks forward to working with them as their bill moves through Congress." He supports cuts in emissions that are even stronger than what is included in the Climate Security Act.
Senator Clinton helped advance the bill through the full Environment and Public Works committee so it could be strengthened by the full Senate. Like Obama, she has voiced support for even steeper emission reductions than those in the Climate Security Act.
The Climate Security Act will boldly change our energy economy and put America back on the path to progress. Investing in clean energy alternatives can recharge America’s economy and lay the foundation for a stronger economic future. It will create jobs here at home, save families and businesses money, and make America more energy independent.
It is time for the rest of Congress to step up and follow their party’s leaders. You can help by writing to your Senators and calling their office asking them to support the Climate Security Act.
Katrina Managan, Global Warming Legislative Representative
National Wildlife Federation