Tuesday, September 9:
Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, Hearing on public
transportation and dependence on foreign oil, 10 AM, 538 Dirksen
Wednesday, September 10:
House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming,
Hearing on energy and climate research and development, 10 AM, 2175
House Science and Technology, Hearing on DOE’s Office of Science new energy technologies, 2 PM, 2318 Rayburn
Thursday, September 11: House Agriculture Committee, Hearing on energy and farm commodity markets, 10:30 AM, 1300 Longworth
Friday, September 12:
Senate Energy Summit, Two panels of speakers, one in the morning and
one in the afternoon, discuss a broad range of energy issues, 9:30 AM
to 3:30 PM, 50 Dirksen
Published: September 9, 2008