(Video) Utah Spill as Media Heightens Scrutiny of Dirty Pipeline Projects

 It’s the same old song from the oil industry. “Trust us.” In the oil industry’s bid to win approval for a massive 2,000 mile pipeline to cut across six states, the’re spinning away in the press that they can do it safely, even as 20,000 gallons of crude leaked in Utah this weekend.
Pipelines are different from the Gulf disaster they tell us. They can contain the spills within seconds they say.
The ugly truth got in the way of their spin with the new massive spill in Utah that the governor is calling a disaster complete with wildlife oiled and dying, and fed up residents.
Duck oiled by tar sandsAmericans are drawing lessons from the Gulf disaster, and it’s subjecting energy giants and their dubious sub-prime projects to greater scrutiny. NWF’s report on the dangers of dirty fuels like tar sands has struck a chord with news organizations, dozen of whom have alerted their readers and listeners. 

Would you want a dirty fuels pipeline like the proposed “Keystone XL” in your back yard? Of course not. Here’s a sampling of some coverage from the last few days. See for yourself what the industy is saying. Get informed, and take action!  Tell the State Department we don’t want this dirty stuff crossing the border. Tell Congress we want clean, renewable energy. Not dirty fuels. 

Ranchers Warily Eye a Pipeline in the Sand (Lincoln, NE Journal Star) 

Oil Spill Fuels Concern Over Nebraska Pipline (NTV, Nebraska TV) 

Dangers of Third Canadian Tar Sands Pipeline Exposed (WPTY Memphis/Environment News Service) 

Gulf Spill Creates Distrust of Industry (The Canadian Press) 

Oil Pipeline, Sand Hills. Do they Mix?  (Omaha, NE World Herald) 

Time Added to Comment on Pipeline (Jamestown, ND Sun) 

2 weeks added to Keystone pipeline comment period (Associated Press)