5 Fantastic Outdoor Blogs by Parents (plus 6 more!)

Mother and son running outsideThe web provides plenty of reasons to spend time inside, tethered to your computer. But sometimes you luck out and find a corner of the Internet achieving the opposite goal!

Meet 5 moms and dads who blog simply to inspire people to go outside for some fresh air with their kids. They provide practical tips, activities, and tools to help busy parents make outdoor time a reality. And — oh yeah — they do this WHILE RAISING A FAMILY!

UPDATE: We’ve added 6 more to the list below! Keep ’em coming in the comments!

5 Fab “Outdoor Kid” Blogs By Moms and Dads

1. ActiveKidsClub.com by Kari Svenneby (@activekidsclub)
How does she help? You can start your own local playgroup right on her site. Many playgroups are already active across the country, everywhere from Las Vegas, Nevada to Camden, Maine.

2. Go Explore Nature by Debi Huang (@GoExploreNature)
How does she help? She provides Fun Friday activities and tons of useful tips, like 50 Ways to Explore Nature in Your Own Backyard.

3. Fun Orange County Parks by Michele Whiteaker (@OCPlayParks)
How does she help? Michele’s blog started as a “playground blog” for her community, and now offers plenty of great content for everybody, like Making Playing Outside a Habit in 30 Days.

4. The Family Campman by Eric “Campman” (@familycampman)
How does he help? This father of two gives great tips on camping with a family, but also branches into other outdoor territory like Geocaching.

5. Backyard Mama by Shannon Baer (@backyardmama)
How does she help? Her blog’s tag line, “Field Notes From the Backyard Revolution” is inspiration in itself! Her posts offer activities and information to make “backyard” nature fun, such as Ten Ways to Enjoy the Fall Season.

Have fun meeting these “outdoor parents.” There are plenty more out there: Check out the hashtag #playoutdoors on Twitter to get to know some of the others! If you find any blogs you think should be on this list, just leave a comment on this post.


Here are 6 more bloggers you should follow, suggested by one of our #playoutdoors friends. Thanks for your help!

  1. Melynda at www.yourwildchild.com
  2. Melissa at www.adventuroo.com
  3. Marghanita www.marghanita.com
  4. Michael at blog.trailmix.net
  5. Roy at www.campingblogger.com
  6. Melissa at adventuretykes.com/resources/blog/

And don’t forget to Be Out There!

our Wild Child