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Working for Wildlife: Follow NWF Activities All Over the Country
Field Highlights: NWF Activists Advocate for Clean Air & Public Lands
Over 630,000 mercury postcards were delivered to the EPA in Boston, MA last week! The event was held at the Environmental Protection Agency’s office in Boston.
“This tremendous response signals that Americans know how important it is to cut down on mercury, arsenic and other dangerous pollutants in the air we breathe,” said Curt Spalding, regional administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Region 1 office in Boston.
Hundreds of supporters came to encourage the Environmental Protection Agency to pass the proposed rule that would limit mercury contamination caused by coal fired power plants. The EPA is collecting comments until Aug. 4, 2011. If you haven’t gotten the chance to take action against mercury pollution click here!
Last Friday, July 29, Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) held a press conference in support of an amendment to the House Environment and Interior Appropriations bill that would protect people and wildlife by striking a rider in the bill that delays the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to limit mercury and other harmful air toxics emitted from power plants. (Click here to read more)
Another event took place in Omaha, Nebraska where protesters gathered outside of Rep. Lee Terry’s (R-Neb) office to speak out against the Keystone XL Pipeline. The Keystone XL pipeline–a pipeline that would cut through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas–carries dirty tar sands through America’s heartland and threatens public water supplies, crop lands, & wildlife habitats.
Rep. Terry (R-Neb) recently brought a bill to the house floor that expedited the permitting process and requires the President to make a November 1st decision on the $7 billion Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. After seeing the devastating effects of the Yellowstone Oil Spill last month, protesters dropped off 91 ears of corn representing the 91 leaks that are predicted to take place if the pipeline is built.
Hot Off the Press:
This article was published in the Boston Globe by Beth Daley. It covers the mercury comment delivery to the EPA in Boston, MA.
What You Can Do:

1. Stop Hard Rock Mines from Poisoning Grizzlies! Right now, grizzly bears of Bristol Bay, Alaska are at risk from the toxic pollution of hard rock mining.
2. Take Action! Help protect polar bears and many more wildlife by editing and sending a message to your members of Congress, urging them to stop this unprecedented attack on wildlife.