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Political Pressure Mounting for New York Offshore Wind Power
As the second anniversary of Superstorm Sandy reminds us, America needs bold action to advance solutions to climate change. New York has a long way to go in ramping up clean energy, but fortunately there is a massive, untapped source of carbon-free power available right off our shores.
Yesterday, I was proud to stand with New York Assemblyman Steve Englebright, Senator Phil Boyle, state conservation, labor, and community leaders, and over 80 local residents outside the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) headquarters, united in a strong call for action to power Long Island with offshore wind.
National Wildlife Federation supports the responsible development of offshore wind power as a critical solution for protecting wildlife from the dangers of climate change, and we are working with a broad set of diverse allies to spur New York to finally make it happen. With a major decision due from the LIPA Board in December regarding new sources of renewable power, political pressure is clearly mounting for LIPA to commit to bringing offshore wind power online.
New Yorkers Are Counting on LIPA, Gov. Cuomo
Following the morning rally, we all filed into the LIPA Board meeting and voiced our support for offshore wind power directly to the Trustees in a standing room only, packed hearing. Attendees spoke passionately about their experiences during Sandy, and their fears for the future of Long Island if climate change is not addressed. Local community leaders and college students all highlighted the incredible job opportunities that will result as Long Island meets the high tech, research, manufacturing, construction, and operations needs of this new industry. Petitions from over 20,000 New Yorkers calling for offshore wind power were delivered by the Sierra Club, and conservation leaders including Renewable Energy Long Island, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, and myself called for action to reach this new clean energy frontier. Assemblyman Englebright read a letter supporting offshore wind power from a bipartisan coalition of the LI delegation into the record, and as Senator Boyle commented in his remarks, “these guys don’t agree on anything.”
The overwhelming message to the LIPA Board was this: New Yorkers are tired of waiting for offshore wind power and the tremendous environmental and job creation benefits it will bring to Long Island.
Offshore Wind Power: A Golden Opportunity for New York
Of course, as a wildlife advocacy organization, NWF is following America’s pursuit of offshore wind power very closely to ensure that strong environmental protections are in place as we develop this critically needed clean energy. Offshore wind projects can and must be developed responsibly, and the Deepwater ONE project offers a shining example of what’s possible when industry and wildlife advocates come together to craft workable solutions. A multi-year, comprehensive stakeholder process has guided the siting of the project, and in May developer Deepwater Wind signed an agreement with National Wildlife Federation and our partners to go beyond federal requirements and implement additional measures to protect endangered whales in the area.
Now is the time to usher in a clean energy future for New York’s communities and wildlife, and responsibly developed offshore wind power must be part of the strategy. We are counting on LIPA, PSEG-LI, and Governor Cuomo for a commitment to New York offshore wind power this year.