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Clean Water Rule Safeguards Streams
This week, clean water and wildlife saw an important victory as Congressional negotiators announced an omnibus spending bill that did not include a rider to block the water rule from moving forward — as had been widely rumored.
For people and wildlife, this is good news. The rule was under attack in Congress just last month.
But those on the Hill who oppose clean water are out of touch with the public. More than a million Americans personally gave input on the rule to the EPA — and 87% of those comments were in favor. The National Wildlife Federation did a nationwide poll of 1000 hunters and anglers—one of the most conservative constituencies in the country. It turns out that 83 percent of huntes and anglers want the EPA to protect streams and wetlands.
The widespread support is not surprising — Streams protected by the rule provide drinking water for 117 million Americans. The rule will also benefit wildlife across the country: manatees in Florida, brook trout in Pennsylvania, mallards in Minnesota, salmon in Washington — to name just a few.
Certain industry groups have been planning the scare campaign about the rule for awhile. Back in 2010, a lobbyist described the polluters’ political plan to a reporter from the New York Times: “The game plan is to emphasize the scary possibilities…If you can get Glenn Beck to say that government storm troopers are going to invade your property, farmers in the Midwest will light up their congressmen’s switchboards.”
The omnibus spending bill was considered a likely venue to block or delay the rule, since it only needs a simple majority to pass, and is politically challenging for the President to veto. The rule still faces legal challenges, but we are confident that at the end of the day, this rule protecting our waters will become the law of the land.
Help us defend the Clean Water Rule from further Congressional attacks!