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Connecting Sportsmen Across the Country
New Film Highlights Sustenance Hunting and Conservation
The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) was founded by sportsmen and continues to support them today through our expansive public lands work. Sportsmen and women have an intimate knowledge of public lands, and their deep ties with these lands make them key players in protecting public lands for wildlife and people.
John and Cole Bielak, fourth generation Coloradans, are prime examples of sportsmen who are also passionate conservationists. They founded Whale Tail Outdoors in 2014 in order to pass along their family traditions of sustenance hunting and conservation, and to share their experiences with other conservation- minded hunters.
Aligning with the National Wildlife Federation’s goal to keep our outdoor heritage alive and well for future generations, NWF is proud to help showcase Sequence, the latest in a growing list of hunting films produced by Whale Tail Outdoors. This film is designed to inspire and connect sportsmen and women to conservation issues across the country, and remind them of their duty to protect the invaluable landscapes that make hunting possible.
Hunting for the Bielaks has always been about slowing down and reconnecting with their primitive past. They seek unique hunts that challenge their mental and physical acumen while enhancing their knowledge of all game species they encounter. While harvesting an animal each season is the ultimate goal, the experience and memories of each hunt, and their time outdoors always trumps leaving the mountain with a heavier pack.
Having opportunities to access public land all across Colorado and several other western states is a luxury they never take for granted. Public lands are a way of life for the two brothers and their families here in Colorado and will always be something they fight to protect.
They continue to seek knowledge about the issues facing public lands and how they can use their filmmaking endeavors to protect these precious landscapes. They understand that now more than ever, those who love public lands and the wildlife that call these lands home must actively work to keep public lands in public hands.
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