New Report Offers Strategies for Smart Growth in Rural Communities

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) has released a new report, “Putting Smart Growth to Work in Rural Communities,” which focuses on how to adapt smart growth strategies to rural communities. Funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Sustainable Communities, the report focuses on smart growth strategies that can help guide growth in rural areas while protecting natural and working lands and preserving the rural character of existing communities. 

The strategies are based around three central goals:

1.      Support the rural landscape by creating an economic climate that enhances the viability of working lands and conserves natural lands;

2.      Help existing places to thrive by taking care of assets and investments such as downtowns, Main Streets, existing infrastructure, and places valued by the community; and

3.      Create great new places by building vibrant, enduring neighborhoods and communities that people, especially young people, don’t want to leave.

The report uses case studies from around the country to illustrate how local governments, states, and non-profits have successfully implemented smart growth strategies to support rural lands, revitalize existing communities, and create great new places for residents and visitors.

To download the full report or learn how to order a hard copy, visit:

State and local officials interested in additional information about developing and implementing cost-effective climate and energy strategies that help further environmental goals and achieve public health and economic benefits may visit:

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Published: November 3, 2010