We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Reversing America’s Wildlife Crisis: Securing the Future of Our Fish and Wildlife

From moose struggling for a foothold in the great north woods to plummeting numbers of monarch butterflies, America’s wildlife faces a crisis of massive proportions. One third of all our plant and animal species are vulnerable and one in five are imperiled with a high risk of extinction. Meanwhile, our state fish and wildlife agencies are strapped for funds to step up and take key conservation actions before it’s too late.
“Without concerted attention, our growing wildlife crisis will almost certainly lead to many more species qualifying for protection under federal and state endangered species laws, or, in the worse cases, joining the growing list of extinct and missing U.S. species,”
– Collin O’Mara, President and CEO of National Wildlife Federation.
More than 150 U.S. species have gone extinct, with another 500 missing in action that may well be extinct. Is it possible to avert the crisis and secure a future for our fish and wildlife?
Our new report Reversing America’s Wildlife Crisis lays out the challenges and a path for recovery – but only if we take action starting with passing the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act.
TAKE ACTION: Urge your member of Congress to support Recovering America’s Wildlife Act.
Act NowThe Recovering America’s Wildlife Act is gathering momentum in Congress with more than 30 cosponsors since its introduction in December, 2017. USA Today recently reported on the new bill, emphasizing the bipartisan support for $1.3 billion annually for state fish and wildlife agencies. The dollars would fund state wildlife action plans. Each one is a blueprint for recovering wildlife in that state.
We don’t have much time to reverse the decline if future generations are to hear the liquid sunshine melody of an eastern meadowlark on a spring prairie. One third of all bird species are in need of urgent conservation attention. By funding state wildlife action plans, we can prevent the meadowlark and thousands of wildlife and plant species from becoming imperiled. Why wait until they are in the emergency room? Will you join us?
Read the Report. Please take 30 seconds to help wildlife NOW by liking and retweeting the tweet below.
Habitat loss, wildlife diseases, pollution, invasive species, and extreme weather are threatening America’s wildlife. We must #RecoverWildlife https://t.co/rSslPBB1Xx pic.twitter.com/LhgcviDTgz
— National Wildlife Federation Action Fund (@wildlifeaction) March 29, 2018