We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
Climate on Campus….Heats Up Starting this Week!
Starting this week, National Wildlife Federation and partners launch the first of three national initiatives this winter and spring that will collectively mobilize an estimated 300,000 students, young people and community leaders in addressing the global warming crisis in positive ways that will help create a clean energy economy and new jobs:
We will begin with the historic "First 100 Days, A National Teach-In on Global Warming Solutions", a program founded by Dr. Eban Goodstein of Lewis and Clark College, involving more than 700 colleges, universities and faith organizations all across the U.S. starting Wednesday, February 5. Featuring such environmental luminaries as NWF’s own, Larry Schweiger, as well as David Orr, Hunter Lovins, Betsy Taylor, Ray Anderson, Dianne Dillon-Ridgely, Jessy Tolkan, and others,the on-line broadcast focuses on policy recommendations for the new administration detailed in the President's Climate Action Plan. It is not too late to register and receive instructions for viewing "The First 100 Days" program. All the instructions you'll need to participate can be found at on the website.
Next, on February 28-March 2, 2009, we will converge on Capitol Hill with thousands of student leaders from all across the countryseeking clean energy solutions and green jobs at Powershift09.
Finally, on April 15, 2009, we will celebrate our peers' cutting-edge innovations for the 21st Century by hosting the acclaimed Chill Out: Campus Solutions to Global Warming program at our campuses, homes and offices. Showcasing the winners of a year-long competition, the on-line program features initiatives that dramatically curb the carbon footprint, tap clean energy, create new green jobs and save money. The campus that registers the most people for this program will win a free concert by the Steps!
The Kendeda Fund, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions, Stonyfield Farm, and anonymous donors have helped make these initiatives possible and we thank them!
Image: Fritz Myer