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This Just In: NWF Overflight Finds Discolorations In Chandeleur Sound
Some breaking news from the National Wildlife Federation’s Louisiana staffers:
On Sunday, August 8th, NWF staff did an overflight of the oil spill (thanks to SouthWings). Leaving out of New Orleans, we crossed the Chandeleur Sound and saw streams of red oil on the surface of the water caught in a rip line. As we flew farther into the sound, we saw mile after mile – as far at the eye could see – of what looked like red, dispersed oil just below the surface:
We sent some photos to a coastal scientist who is not sure if it is oil or possibly a major red tide. Either way, that would mean massive wildlife kills.
Our team is headed back out tomorrow with scientists to sample the water.
GPS coords: 29 46 58 … 89 02 11
We’ll keep you updated on what Monday’s boat trip finds.
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For all the latest news on how the oil spill is impacting the Gulf Coast’s wildlife & to learn how you can help, visit NWF.org/OilSpill.