We have much more to do and your continued support is needed now more than ever.
The EPA Wants You
Over the past week, the EPA has heard testimony from celebrities like James Bond, scientists like Dr. Amanda Staudt, and concerned Americans from Northern Virginia to Washington’s Puget Sound. They’re all telling the EPA what you already know – that global warming is a serious threat to our public health.
Recently, several of us here at NWF got the chance to talk with Olga Malutin, a community leader from Kodiak Island, Alaska, about the way that global warming was affecting her life.
Whether or not you live on Kodiak Island, and have seen a polar bear in your backyard, you are an expert. The EPA wants to hear from American citizens about whether global warming is a risk to YOUR health and wellbeing. Nobody knows better than you how climate change is going to affect you, your family, and your friends.
As a wildlife enthusiast, someone who always gets your Green Hour, someone who’s noticed the winters aren’t quite as cold as they used to be, and that polar bears are at serious risk of becoming endangered, you can add your comments too. The more the EPA hears from experts like you, the more likely they’ll be to encourage the federal government to regulate the global warming pollution that puts us all at risk.
They’re waiting to act, until they hear from you.